Sudeep Sidhu Open Source Python Developer

GSoC 2021 - Week 7

Key highlights of this week’s work are:

  • JointsMethod

    • Made JointsMethod work with both KanesMethod and LagrangesMethod and with all other future methods too if they are made according to previous methods. Also explicitly added kinetic_energy to class Body since compiler can’t decide a Body object is a RigidBody or Particle because Body inherits both classes so introduced is_particle and is_rigidbody to Body, Particle and RigidBody so that they can be differentiated.

  • Add new abstract base class for methods

    • Added a new class _Methods, which is to be inherited by KanesMethod, LagrangesMethod and other methods which would be made in future to make them similar to each other and make all methods to work with JointsMethod.
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